New York Nails & Spa


Location details

145 W 55th St, New York, NY, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 227 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Janet Holden
2mos 3w
This is by far the best spa I have used in New York a d I am a native New Yorker, the staff is always willing to acomadate you even as a walk in. Lily does my facials, she is terrific! Susie the owner is the sweetest lady ever as well as Jane the manager. The atmosphere is comforting and staff is very nice. If your a tourist defiantly use this spa. This spa is FULL service and men stroll in everyday as well. So whatever you need they have and you will be taken care of. NY nails and spa pride themselves on their excellent service so look no further walk ins are welcomed. So do drop in they don't disappoint

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  • Monday 9AM-8PM
  • Tuesday 9AM-8PM
  • Wednesday 9AM-8PM
  • Thursday Closed
  • Friday 10AM-7PM
  • Saturday 10AM-7PM
  • Sunday Closed

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