Nico's Cleaning Services


Location details

2038 N Front St, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 51 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Diana Gural
5mos 4w
I have had the pleasure of working with Nico’s Cleaning Services for the last six months as the property manager of an enormous estate, and I must commend their impeccable professionalism and attention to detail. The entire staff consistently delivers high-quality service, ensuring every aspect of the property is meticulously cleaned and maintained to the highest standards.

A special mention goes to Fillip, who is my primary contact. Fillip is always quick to respond to any need or update regarding scheduling, making the entire process seamless and efficient. His prompt communication and dedication to customer satisfaction are truly commendable. He is simply a genuine, kind, and hard-working individual who is quick to go beyond the call of service. God help me, but he and his staff are a diamond in the rough when it comes to finding reliable and trustworthy service!

I have immense appreciation for the entire team. Their commitment to excellence and professionalism, in my experience, is incomparable. I highly recommend their services to anyone in need of a reliable and thorough cleaning service.

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  • Monday 7AM-6PM
  • Tuesday 7AM-6PM
  • Wednesday 7AM-6PM
  • Thursday 7AM-6PM
  • Friday 7AM-6PM
  • Saturday 7AM-6PM
  • Sunday 7AM-6PM

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