Orthodontic Experts


Location details

5051 E State St, Rockford, IL, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 724 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Oh_hxddxn rblx
9mos 1w
I started my 2 children with orthodontics at the Rockford location. Halfway through treatment I changed jobs, so my insurance changed. What a nightmare!!! They tried billing everyone except the correct insurance! Can never get through to anyone and they NEVER return calls. I did get ONE phone call and was told I could just pay the remaining cost of treatment out of pocket. I have insurance for a REASON!!! After a year of getting nowhere, I have moved on to a reputable orthodontist.. I now have to start payments all over again! I should be reimbursed every penny I paid to this shoddy establishment!! Orthodontic Experts is anything but experts!!!

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