Outlook Salon & Spa - Mississauga, ON


Location details

5695 River Grove Ave Unit 4, Mississauga, ON, Canada

Reviews from the web

Google 492 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Aparna Iyer
8mos 3w
I am fairly new to canada and I would like to recommend people to visit this place.. It is budget friendly and also you would get the best service.. Ask for Ms. Pooja she is really amazing with her service.. I personally loved it!

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  • Monday 12-8p.m.
  • Tuesday 10a.m.-8p.m.
  • Wednesday 10a.m.-8p.m.
  • Thursday 10a.m.-8p.m.
  • Friday 10a.m.-8p.m.
  • Saturday 10a.m.-8p.m.
  • Sunday 10a.m.-6p.m.

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