Paws 'n' Rec - St. Pete


Location details

4300 28th St N, St. Petersburg, FL, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 24 reviews
ROMW 1 review


7mos 4w
I was wrongfully fired & its not okay. Employees spread personal medical information to other employees & yet they arent fired? Even when the managers was aware & told me that this should be a fireable manner but she will handle it. Does that not consider favoritism? Not to mention i wasnt let off with a warning or a write up after being told multiple times im always positive & hardworker? It’s a great place to have your dogs because staff cares i give them their credit on that but as for working it’s super underpaid for the amount of injuries we receive on a daily basis.

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  • Monday 6:30AM-10PM
  • Tuesday 6:30AM-10PM
  • Wednesday 6:30AM-10PM
  • Thursday 6:30AM-10PM
  • Friday 6:30AM-10PM
  • Saturday 6:30AM-10PM
  • Sunday 6:30AM-10PM

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