Perfect Home Services


Location details

4255 Meridian Pkwy Suite 101, Aurora, IL, USA

Reviews from the web

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ROMW 1 review


Debjit Das
3mos 3w
I have had these guys on maintenance contracts for seven years now. Home in Lisle IL. Probably stupid of me for not having seen their ratings and reviews. For the second time now, their incompetent tech came for a routine check and maintenance and broke our HVAC system. After breaking the system and taking it apart, they defraud us by:
1. Telling us that the system was already broken
2. Providing a fresh quote to fix a system that was already working perfectly fine.
3. Not willing to put the system back together citing risks and regulations
4. Asking to schedule the repair and restoration as per their schedule a few days later.
Above is in spite of the fact that our entire HVAC system was installed and maintained by them for over seven years now.

Complete fraudulent business that should be investigated and shut down.

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