Pet Supplies Plus East Virginia Beach


Location details

2129 General Booth Blvd #119, Virginia Beach, VA, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 13 reviews
ROMW 1 review


eric emerson
2mos 3w
We were late for our appointment fully at fault and to blame for that. When I arrived a dog was being groomed and one was waiting to be groomed that had been there for an hour. So if I was on time my dog would have just waited longer but since we were late our appointment was cancelled. Why cancel an appointment that was not going to start at the appointment time? I also tried to call the store and reach grooming but no one ever answers. This business does not work for the convenience of the customers, it operates at its own convenience. I am glad to spend my money elsewhere.

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  • Monday 9AM-9PM
  • Tuesday 9AM-9PM
  • Wednesday 9AM-9PM
  • Thursday 9AM-9PM
  • Friday 9AM-9PM
  • Saturday 9AM-9PM
  • Sunday 10AM-6PM

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