Pete's Auto Repair


Location details

21 W 44th St, Tucson, AZ, USA

Reviews from the web

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ROMW 1 review


Aaron Watson
2mos 2w
The owner Ray sold me a 2002 Dodge Dakota that he had had a the motor replaced in when they replaced the motor they never put the bracket back between the front differential and the block so when I was making a u-turn the other hanger for the front differential snapped because it didn't have the support of the back having that bracket there and he told me that it sounded like it binded up and won't do anything for me the bracket and the five bolts are completely missing him and his guys do shoddy work do not use this mechanic shop me and my son could have been killed by this cuz me and my five year old son were driving around in this truck luckily I was going slow when it happened

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