Place Property Management


Location details

1940 Turner Ave NW Suite B, Grand Rapids, MI, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 57 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Ruth Gunneson-Poling
8mos 6d
Rented here 7 years. Do not recommend Place Management Grand Rapids MI based on my experiences. Kitchen ceiling tiles fell in twice. Water and debris everywhere. Water leaks from upstairs apartment. Ceiling tiles in that area have had to be replaced all the time. Kitchen drain came apart leaving water all over. Was told to put a bucket under it until it could be fixed. After I reminded them I've paid over $56k while leaving there it was fixed 45 minutes later. I was charged $126 for having the shower drain snaked when the plumber came to fix the drain. Constant arguments with the manager to have several dangerous repairs needed to be done such as hand railings for uneven big basement cement steps and porch. Fire department came twice because of the furnace and unknown smoke. Fire Marshall noticed there were no carbon dioxide monitors and fire extinguishers for 5 apartments. I wasn't told when exit inspection was. I was charged for repairs such as putting a small screen in a window and other things I would have done myself. They charged me $47 to replace MY shower curtain rod. These are a few examples of poor management of this company. Glad to be rid of them.

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