Prestige Fitness


Location details

4490 N 1st Ave, Tucson, AZ, USA

Reviews from the web

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ROMW 1 review


Susan Baxter
1yr 1w
I have been doing workouts, posture, nutrition and massage here for almost 18 months. My trainer, Manny Zarate, is amazing. He keeps me entertained each visit that seems to end too soon. My Posture Coach, Sean Seahan, is nothing short of amazing. He has helped me with my right shoulder, injured in a fall 3 years ago. My shoulder is almost pain free!! Aparna, my nutritionist, has really helped me loose fat and gain muscle through a change in diet. Then there is Haeleigh Bryant. I spend lots of time at a computer or sewing machine. She is brilliant and twice a month corrects my muscle groups with a tissue massage.
Need I say more?? I came here at age 75 thinking that I didn't want to go into my later years sitting in front of a tv. Now I can do gardening work I didn't think would be possible. I have more energy, which is a HUGE plus. And my outlook in Life is much more positive.

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