ProQual Landscaping


Location details

402 W Orion St, Tempe, AZ, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 56 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Sue Hardy
6mos 2w
As a homeowner in the Las Sendas Community in Mesa I give ProQual 3 stars. The community has 5 parks. The condition of the grass in these parks is horrendous. The company has guys blowing debris and talking on their phones They need to get QUALified irrigation specialists out working on the irrigation issues causing the dead grass. Please, make Las Sendas the premier community it claims to be.

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  • Monday 7AM-3:30PM
  • Tuesday 7AM-3:30PM
  • Wednesday 7AM-3:30PM
  • Thursday 7AM-3:30PM
  • Friday 7AM-3:30PM
  • Saturday Closed

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