PT Solutions of Brimhall


Location details

1026 Calloway Dr STE 100, Bakersfield, CA, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 13 reviews
ROMW 1 review


paulette garrett
7mos 2w
I have been taking physical therapy at PT solutions on Calloway in Bakersfield for a few months. I have been extremely satisfied with the staff, the exercise protocol, care and friendly atmosphere the entire time. I would happily refer anyone who needs to have PT to see these highly qualified people. How many people look forward to each appointment for PT???? You will if you let these good people help you with your issues.

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  • Monday 7AM-7PM
  • Tuesday 7AM-7PM
  • Wednesday 7AM-7PM
  • Thursday 7AM-7PM
  • Friday 7AM-5PM
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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