Quinn's Facial


Location details

120 S Sunnyvale Ave, Sunnyvale, CA, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 48 reviews
ROMW 2 reviews


Thanh Nguyễn
7mos 3d
Quinn is great! She is very nice, knowledgeable and did a fantastic job! My skin is smooth, clear and hasn’t looked like this in a very long time! I highly recommend visiting her!
Thanh Ngo
7mos 3d
Quinn is very professional. She explained to me what my skin concerns are and what I should prioritize. Her facials are very relaxing. Can’t wait to come back for my next one!

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  • Sunday 12-7PM
  • Monday 9AM-5PM
  • Tuesday 9AM-5PM
  • Wednesday 9AM-5PM
  • Thursday 9AM-5PM
  • Friday 9AM-5PM
  • Saturday 10AM-7PM

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