Real Property Management Select Sacramento


Location details

2143 Hurley Way Suite 103, Sacramento, CA, USA

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ROMW 1 review


Jamie Carper
9mos 1w
I am a property owner. Dealing with RPM was a nightmare. I am very unhappy with RPM Select's services. There is NOBODY to contact on weekends--so if your property is having an emergency, such as a broken pipe, there will be no management to address the problem and mitigate property damage. RPM set up an appointment to have a contractor fix my garage door but did not answer the contractor's calls when the contractor arrived--and did not provide a way to let the contractor into the property. RPM charges a high premium for work on that should be much less expensive. RPM rarely returns phone calls to property owners. RPM took a month and a half to get my property onto the market which is ridiculous given how little of work needed to be done on the property. Lastly, when I terminated their services due to their material breach of our agreement--they tried charging me a termination fee of $683.10 (the termination fee according to the original agreement is only $150--however it isn't owed because they were in material breach).
I recommend finding a property management company that is available 24/7. The disaster that can strike in the times they are unavailable could cost you significantly.

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  • Monday 9AM-5PM
  • Tuesday 9AM-5PM
  • Wednesday 9AM-5PM
  • Thursday 9AM-5PM
  • Friday 9AM-5PM
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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