RiverTown Realty LLC


Location details

310 Germantown Bend Cove Suite 101, Cordova, TN, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 57 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Dominique Ware
8mos 1w
I am coming again about my issues with the landscaping charges that i still haven't heard from maintenence department yet, now i got a call from a plumber today and I don't even know if I'm getting charge for any of the work they about to do , maintenance department is so terrible, there is no response from no one, everytime I call Ruth she always tell me to call maintenance department but she always helpful

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  • Monday 9AM-4PM
  • Tuesday 9AM-4PM
  • Wednesday 9AM-4PM
  • Thursday 9AM-4PM
  • Friday 9AM-4PM
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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