RLS Construction Inc


Location details

7220 Beechmont Ave # A, Cincinnati, OH, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 124 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Rosanna Hampton
3mos 2w
Thank you RLS Construction Inc for your professionalism, promptness, integrity, and quality of work! I'm very impressed with the work done to my roof and highly recommend them to anyone.
Ryan represented with dedication and hard work that this company should be proud of, a very polite and kind young man. They had worked with my insurance company to ensure that everything is taken of.
Thank you again, Rodney, Ryan, Tammi, and the rest of the team! Wish you all the best and may God bless you with many more blessings to come!

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  • Monday 8AM-5:30PM
  • Tuesday 8AM-5:30PM
  • Wednesday 8AM-5:30PM
  • Thursday 8AM-5:30PM
  • Friday 8AM-5:30PM
  • Saturday 9AM-12PM
  • Sunday Closed

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