Romanoff Renovations


Location details

2230 Stagecoach Rd, Stockton, CA, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 54 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Jimmy Garcia
6mos 1w
The Tech Javier came to do an install today and was immediately aggressive and irritated that they couldn't bring the carpet up the driveway. Instead of politely asking me to move my car, which I offered. Then they refused to remove the carpet because of pet stains from the previous owner. The literal reason I am replacing them.... After an hour of back and forth he refused to leave the carpet I paid for and STOLE my carpet. Their home office (Stockton) refuses to give me corporates numbers and places my on endless holds (Brianna). If you get assigned this company by homedepot to install.... GET YOUR MONEY BACK.

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  • Monday 7AM-6PM
  • Tuesday 7AM-6PM
  • Wednesday 7AM-6PM
  • Thursday 7AM-6PM
  • Friday 7AM-6PM
  • Saturday 8AM-4:30AM
  • Sunday Closed

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