Safe Harbor Home Services


Location details

2850 Coit Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 225 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Claudette Cramp
7mos 1w
Cort Beard does a thorough and excellent inspection. He is well worth the cost of the inspection price as he provides a full picture of all you need to know to fix or review a home. His reports include photographs and are easy to read. He is professional, and very patient, especially in providing follow-up information and answering questions. If anything is wrong with your house, he has the education and tools to find it and to make wise recommendations for fixing it.

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  • Monday 7AM-8PM
  • Tuesday 7AM-8PM
  • Wednesday 7AM-8PM
  • Thursday 7AM-8PM
  • Friday 7AM-8PM
  • Saturday 7AM-8PM
  • Sunday 7AM-1PM

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