Salon Crystal


Location details

75 Bd Saint-Raymond, Gatineau, QC, Canada

Reviews from the web

Google 101 reviews
ROMW 5 reviews


Sona Zahrae
1yr 1mo
Highlight mix with balayage
Botax crystal treatment
ProClashofClans Shervin
1yr 1mo
Lissage brésilien treatments Kératine
Epilation sourcil
Shervin Zahrae
1yr 3w
Waxing Threading hair color and cut
Meghan Shea
7mos 2w
Love it, my hair looks healthy and beautiful 🥰
Shervin Zahrae
3mos 1d
Love it, my hair looks healthy and beautiful

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  • Monday 10a.m.-7a.m.
  • Tuesday 10a.m.-7a.m.
  • Wednesday 10a.m.-7a.m.
  • Thursday 10a.m.-7a.m.
  • Friday 10a.m.-7a.m.
  • Saturday 10a.m.-7a.m.
  • Sunday 10a.m.-7a.m.

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