Sealight Nail Spa


Location details

6415 34th St #200, Lubbock, TX, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 229 reviews
ROMW 2 reviews


Tracy Nguyen
7mos 2d
love the service
April Barrera
5mos 3w
Julie, thanks for doing an awesome 👌 job on my 4th of July nails and eyebrows and upper lip 💋 and also putting a big smile on me and I hope to see you again next time and I'm super in love with my nails 💅 and thanks again and hope you have a great week and hope you have a HAPPY 4TH OF JULY AND SAY HELLO TO TRACY WHEN SHE GETS BACK

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  • Monday 9:30AM-8PM
  • Tuesday 9:30AM-8PM
  • Wednesday 9:30AM-8PM
  • Thursday 9:30AM-8PM
  • Friday 9:30AM-8PM
  • Saturday 9:30AM-8PM
  • Sunday 11AM-6PM

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