SKYE Management


Location details

87 Halsey St, Newark, NJ, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 78 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Michelle Hurley
3mos 2w
Horrible with communication. Many phone calls and emails not answered. I was trying to pay rent for my father who was in the hospital. No one returned my phone calls for days until I wrote a poor Google review. Someone said they would take care of the fee when a check was received on time, on the 7th of February. The fee is still there. Does this mangement company take advantage of our senior citizens? Why doesn't anyone answer, call or return emails or phone calls during business hours?

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  • Monday 8AM-5:30PM
  • Tuesday 8AM-5:30PM
  • Wednesday 8AM-5:30PM
  • Thursday 8AM-5:30PM
  • Friday 8AM-5:30PM
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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