Smiles Up Dentistry


Location details

1916 Patterson St Suite 712, Nashville, TN, USA

Reviews from the web

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ROMW 1 review


3mos 4w
The dentist was unprofessional, and messed up 4 of my teeth. I initially when for a cleaning and to see what cavities i had. This was in April.

I had never had pain in my teeth before getting fillings done by this dental office. I went a total of 4 times after April to get revisions done on the teeth that they messed up. My last visit was in June for a revision

The fillings were still causing me discomfort, and i got a second and 3rd opinion. The amount of cavities (the dentist exaggerated) that i had that needed to be filled, turned out to be 3 teeth in total

Mind you, Dr. Dudley stated that i had 11 cavities that needed to be attended to, and that they were severe. He even yelled at me in the office. His staff doesn’t communicate with him as much as they should.

The crazy part is that during these visits for my revisions, he wouldn’t pinpoint exactly on the x-ray where i needed filling or the location of said cavities.

I honestly think that i didn’t need those 4 fillings. I believe that he was money hungry and would not admit to his faults. He had an attitude every visit because i would ask thorough questions regarding the health of my teeth.

It is now July and one tooth that he completed the filling on was still causing me pain. I went to another Dentist and was informed that this tooth had a crack in it.

I honestly believe that the crack came from Dr. Dudley and his hygienist that completed my fillings.

If you can, please go somewhere else. The experience at this office changed the health trajectory of the right side of my mouth. If i could provide 0 starts, i would.

The experience here was disheartening. If you can, please find a different dentist before his office has you in their chair every month for a mess up that they did.

I would not want you to waste your money on the subpar dental care at this establishment. 🤎

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