Sola Salon Studios


Location details

14910 Summit Ave, Fontana, CA, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 72 reviews
ROMW 1 review


8mos 2w
I used to have a Sola Salon studio but had alot of issues with the manager (TD Karle). He would make my life miserable, he was fake and would pretend to be your friend just to get you in as a tenant. He is unprofessional and rude. I don’t know why they hired him. He definitely does not know how to manage and will gossip about others with other tenants. He has favoritism and would allow others to rent without having a license or permits. I will definitely not return to Sola Salon until there is new management. Anita and Luke owners of Sola Salon are wonderful people.

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  • Sunday 8AM-8PM
  • Monday 8AM-8PM
  • Tuesday 8AM-8PM
  • Wednesday 8AM-8PM
  • Thursday 8AM-8PM
  • Friday 8AM-8PM
  • Saturday 8AM-8PM

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