Stratton Inspections, LLC


Location details

4440 Woodlark Ct, Clemmons, NC, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 81 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Victoria Gordon
5mos 3d
This company does not do a full inspection of your place. You will need to be present to trust them to do the work. I was told about 8 holes in ductwork that was missed (“sagging” as he said) and mold in the crawl space that a foundation repair company caught and brung to my attention after closing. They work with relators to make a sale they do not care about your health just money. RUNNNN

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  • Monday 9AM-6PM
  • Tuesday 9AM-6PM
  • Wednesday 9AM-6PM
  • Thursday 9AM-6PM
  • Friday 9AM-6PM
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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