Su Nails & Spa


Location details

1326 Lower Water St #115, Halifax, NS, Canada

Reviews from the web

Google 64 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Kathryn Edwards
1yr 4w
The BEST nails ever!!! They certainly are not the cheapest nail salon around but if you are after quality… they are THE BEST!! The attention to detail and prepping your nails/cuticles for the best result was totally a win for me.

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  • Monday 10:15a.m.-6:30p.m.
  • Tuesday 10:15a.m.-6:30p.m.
  • Wednesday 10:15a.m.-6:30p.m.
  • Thursday 10:15a.m.-6:30p.m.
  • Friday 10:15a.m.-6:30p.m.
  • Saturday 10:15a.m.-6:30p.m.
  • Sunday 12-5p.m.

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