Sundt Construction OSS


Location details

2905 S 18th Pl, Phoenix, AZ, USA

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ROMW 1 review


Wreck it Ralph
9mos 1w
I thought sundt was a good company, but Hermosa mine leadership from sundt has ruined that for me. Watched an operator get yelled at to stfu and go f himself because he told day super that the day operator toasted the parking brake on the crane. Among the other multiple damage the old man did to the crane.
Watched a guy get fired for reporting a bad general foreman threatening guys at work. What happened? New project manager told foreman who reported him so foreman went and had the non English speaking guys write false statements against operator because he reported him. Yeah I'm pretty sure that's illegal sundt. Retaliation in the workplace is illegal. To inform someone who reported them is illegal...
But did sundt take my statement or the rest of ours? No. They refused them. Told Victor we had them and what really happened but he keeps muttering uhhhh I'm not understanding. I don't understand... haha
Report an msha violation? Get threatened by David. Don't back down? Then he threatens your job.
So if you're Navajo or white don't bother working for sundt, they'll get rid of you. Especially if you work. But if you steal and f stuff up then they'll keep you. Take this as my resignation sundt! You screwed us one too many times and now we're all leaving!
Pictures will follow this after I leave.

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