Taylor Door, llc


Location details

752 20th Ave, Paterson, NJ, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 77 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Howard H
5mos 4d
I believe if someone does a good job and you’re pleased with the outcome then it’s the right thing to let others know about it!!!
After much research we found Taylor Door on the internet and decided to give them a shot! I have never regretted my decision and only have good things to say about my experience. Jimmy was honest, not pushy and the price was right!!! The door was installed beautifully and gave my house a curb appeal! The crew were pleasant and neat. After a month I decided to change my old windows that needed replacing. Guess who did the job!!! Hope you have a great experience as I did!!

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  • Monday 8AM-5PM
  • Tuesday 8AM-5PM
  • Wednesday 8AM-5PM
  • Thursday 8AM-5PM
  • Friday 8AM-5PM
  • Saturday 9AM-1PM
  • Sunday Closed

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