The Maids of Central and North Denver


Location details

2046 Federal Blvd, Denver, CO, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 138 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Patti Lohman
3mos 2w
Being very thankful for Team Green of the Maids of Central and North Denver, we immediately feel joyful when they arrive at our home in their bright yellow car. They come through the front door with smiles on their faces and all kinds of equipment in their hands. They each take a station to work then move on to another place quietly focusing on every corner in the floors and every inch of furniture. I am so thankful I want to hug them when they finish but respect their professional positions and thank them with words.

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  • Monday 8AM-4PM
  • Tuesday 8AM-4PM
  • Wednesday 8AM-4PM
  • Thursday 8AM-4PM
  • Friday 8AM-4PM
  • Saturday Closed
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