The Super Plumber


Location details

4385 Boban Dr, Nanaimo, BC, Canada

Reviews from the web

Google 298 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Blythe Shepard
2mos 2w
Ivan provided a professional introduction and then started to check out the entire house for any plumbing issues - a bonus at no cost. Efficient review of service aspects c/w straightforward and clear feedback on what and why he was doing what he was doing. Lots of photos taken so I could see what he was doing and the state of the drain pipes in the house. Ivan carefully worked on the plumbing, checked everything out to see if all okay, and left his number in case I had any questions or concerns. I would highly recommend, Ivan and The Super Plumbers as he was very comfortable to work with and gave me absolute confidence in the technician's capability.

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