Therma Tech Inc



Welcome to Therma Tech Inc, your premier heating, ventilation, and air conditioning company serving the San Jose area. We are a leading San Jose HVAC contractor company. With over 17 years of experience in the industry, we have the knowledge and expertise to handle all of your HVAC needs. Our San Jose HVAC team of licensed and insured HVAC technicians is dedicated to providing top-quality heating, cooling, and indoor air quality services to customers in San Jose and the surrounding areas. From air conditioning installations to furnace repairs, we have the skills and expertise to keep your HVAC system running smoothly. Are you looking for an HVAC contractor in San Jose, California? Call our San Jose HVAC contractor today to solve all your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning services. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience the Therma Tech difference!

Location details

222 Barnard Ave, San Jose, CA, USA

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  • Tuesday 7AM-5PM
  • Wednesday 7AM-5PM
  • Thursday 7AM-5PM
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