Tom Drexler Plumbing, Air & Electric


Location details

3718 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, KY, USA

Reviews from the web

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ROMW 1 review


Kvk S
2mos 2w
Jason Hibbs did an amazing job along with Kolton on our HVAC system, we have done what all he recommended, he is thorough professional and knowledgeable on what he is doing, our initial intent was just to install a humidifier, but we finished doing what all he suggested for our system as it sounded more appropriate, he and Kolton are nice, decent and patient enough to explain all the questions we have asked.

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  • Monday 7AM-10PM
  • Tuesday 7AM-10PM
  • Wednesday 7AM-10PM
  • Thursday 7AM-10PM
  • Friday 7AM-10PM
  • Saturday 7AM-10PM
  • Sunday 7AM-10PM

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