Top Notch Windows and Doors


Location details

Kansas City, MO, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 46 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Althera Boldridge
6mos 1w
Today was my window install day and I am very happy and pleased with my new windows. Juan and his team, Zach and Jacob were amazing. Juan was my third quote and by far the most professional with reasonable rates. Six weeks later, my windows were installed. The installers were timely and friendly. They answered my questions and made sure to clean up and demonstrate how to use my new windows to my satisfaction. My blinds no longer fit after my new install. Juan offered to come back to install them once I buy new ones. Customer service is priority to Top Notch Windows and Doors. I will definitely utilize their services again for my next project.

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  • Monday 8AM-7:30PM
  • Tuesday 8AM-7:30PM
  • Wednesday 8AM-7:30PM
  • Thursday 8AM-7:30PM
  • Friday 8AM-7:30PM
  • Saturday 8AM-2PM
  • Sunday 9AM-12PM

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