Tres Belle Medi-Spa


Location details

105 Bond St, Brooklyn, NY, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 122 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Lauren Seiden
2mos 2w
Had another wonderful treatment here. I was first greeted by the owner, who is so lovely and knowledgeable about all the products. This is a true luxury experience - from the minute you enter, to when you leave. My skin was lifted and absolutely glowing! The staff is amazing. Can’t recommend enough. If you want real results from real professionals, go to Tres Belles Spa in Brooklyn. I keep sending friends here and they all agree, best facials in NYC!

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  • Monday 11AM-7PM
  • Tuesday 11AM-7PM
  • Wednesday 11AM-7PM
  • Thursday 11AM-7PM
  • Friday 11AM-7PM
  • Saturday 11AM-5PM
  • Sunday 11AM-6PM

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