Ultimate Tan


Location details

4632 N Harlem Ave, Harwood Heights, IL, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 74 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Rosemary Branham
8mos 3w
I have always had good experience. But today the woman took 4 minutes off my time saying I was 4 minutes late and argued with me. I told her I wasn’t and had nothing undernneath and would not take 8 minutes to get ready. I was gone at 12:09 and when I tried to talk to her nicely, she argued and continued to yell through door. I shaved 3 minutes off getting ready. Was belligerent to me when ad an old lady I tried to tell her to talk nicely to clients. I didn’t have a comfortable experience. Everyone so sweet!

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  • Sunday 10AM-4PM

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