UpDown Property Management


Location details

1400 Van Buren St NE Suite 200-240, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 26 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Sandy Phangthavong
9mos 2w
I would give UpDown property management rating a 5 star for sure ! They are so easy to work with , property manager I was assigned to ( Emily ) is amazing . She’s patient and helped me looked for a perfect space for me and my kids . Helped find all the resources you need and she made sure she was on top of every email that needed response’s. If you would like to work with someone that will take the time to work with you , to find a fitting home you can call home , I highly recommend working with anyone at UpDown property management

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  • Monday 9AM-4AM
  • Tuesday 9AM-4PM
  • Wednesday 9AM-4PM
  • Thursday 9AM-4PM
  • Friday 9AM-4PM
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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