Vet ER


Location details

11212 178 St NW, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Reviews from the web

Google 214 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Roger RealEstate
4mos 3w
I took my dog for a cut on his rump, I was charged $1000+ for sutures, and medications. he was sedated, operated on, and equipped with a protective cone. I was given instructions which I followed to the letter. however, less than 24 hours later, the sutures burst open. I returned to vet-er right away with my dog, and informed them. after waiting several hours, I was told in order to repair the botched surgery, I would have to pay the same $1000+ minus the cost of the medications. then they left me sitting in a room his wound gaping, oozing blood, and told quite rudely, to pay or go away. it was a dismissive, gut wrenching experience. I plan on taking action. awesome, friendly smiles up front, but they really couldn't care less once they collect your money.

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