Windows Doors & More


Location details

1121 W Washington Center Rd, Fort Wayne, IN, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 205 reviews
ROMW 1 review


3mos 1w
We needed to have construction done on our home. I have never seen such in competency in a company. First contractor ruined our carpet. We had to spend more money because their drywaller ruined the carpet. What was suppose to be a fast job turned into over a month long. It was insanity and still not done well. Second room has now turned into a 4 week job that was suppose to be 2 weeks. They can not schedule anyone because they do not have the manpower. The right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. So once again we are thrown on a back burner till someone shows up. In the meantime next week we are to have new flooring put in and new furniture. We have had to delay those companies because of the incompetency of Katie who does scheduling. They have been paid and are shirking us around. I will never let this company near my home again.

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