Wooftopia Dog Training and Recreation Centre


Location details

25 Otter St, Winnipeg, MB, Canada

Reviews from the web

Google 224 reviews
ROMW 1 review


gabriel nicchi belgrano
1mo 1w
I spent three weeks trying to get an appointment for an assessment needed for my dog. After finally securing an appointment, I arrived at the center, but neither the trainer nor the owner was there. In conclusion, it was a waste of time, and my dog received no assistance. Absolutely Unprofessional

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  • Monday 6:30a.m.-5:30p.m.
  • Tuesday 6:30a.m.-5:30p.m.
  • Wednesday 6:30a.m.-5:30p.m.
  • Thursday 6:30a.m.-5:30p.m.
  • Friday 6:30a.m.-5:30p.m.
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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