YES Dental PC


Location details

2327 Cottman Ave, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 1336 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Ron B.
9mos 1w
They stopped taking my insurance but then when I needed to get a tooth filled they would not let me pay in installments. It is a real busy place (almost like a meat market) so they don't care if they keep you as a patient or not ... and this was after being a patient for like 5 years. smh

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  • Monday 9:30AM-7PM
  • Tuesday 9:30AM-7PM
  • Wednesday 9:30AM-7PM
  • Thursday 9:30AM-7PM
  • Friday 9:30AM-6PM
  • Saturday 10AM-6PM
  • Sunday Closed

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