Zed Construction LLC / Handyman Services


Location details

1061 33rd St, Des Moines, IA, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 62 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Vicki Place
3w 4d
I was getting my house ready to sell and there were a few smallish problems that needed fixing. I saw some good reviews for Zeb so I called him and he and his son showed up to resue me. One of the problems turned out to be weird and complicated but Zeb stuck with and fixed it. I recommend him and his wholeheartedly. He's also a good guy.

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  • Sunday 7:30AM-9:30PM
  • Monday 7:30AM-9:30PM
  • Tuesday 7:30-9:30AM
  • Wednesday 7:30AM-9:30PM
  • Thursday 7:30AM-9PM
  • Friday 7:30AM-9PM
  • Saturday 7:30AM-9:30PM

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