Zip Zap Auto


Location details

3220 N Durango Dr, Las Vegas, NV, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 1109 reviews
ROMW 1 review


6d 16h
if i could give a zero I would. Tried to rip me off big time. Over priced on oil change. If you get an oil change there, do not believe any thing they recommend. Unbelievable, told me about needing brakes and other stuff, quoted anywhere from 450.00 to 800.00 and I went to my dealer expecting to have work done at a lower price and eureka, they examined and said I did not need to do anything at that time. I also know they ran out the other owner by bullying him and that is just another story separate from this incident. I have not had anyone try to rip me off like this in 50 years

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