Rescue Rangers Towing & Roadside Services


Location details

2026 Old Shepherdsville Rd, Louisville, KY, USA

Reviews from the web

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ROMW 1 review


james allen
1mo 4w
Danny P! I was stuck in the middle of Dixie Hwy near Rockford Ln. today at rush hour, messing up every-bodies commute on my way home from work. My alternator went bad. Not sure when. But my radio went off and my gauges all went to zero. Danny P. at suburban towing/Rescue Rangers Pulled up on my left and says,"Hey, you want me to get you off to the side? (parking lot). I don't want you to get hurt, It's dangerous here right now. So he got a jumpbox, hooked it up so my truck would go in neutral and pulled me into the parking lot at Dixie muffler and got me out of everyones way. I was so taken back by his kindness that i told him to just take me on home. He is a awesome human being. And he is a real pro. he put my truck in my driveway from an alley as good as i could have parked it. Just a stand up dude. I don't want him too get so busy to keep up. But I'll request him if I need a tow. For sure!

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