One bad review, one impulsive reply, or one bad service is enough to tank down your brand’s reputation, especially on social platforms like Facebook or Instagram. 

What starts as a clever jab can quickly alienate customers or escalate into conflicts, which, in some cases, might even cause legal headaches.

The wisest and most convenient thing to do is to start using reputation monitoring software.

These tools continuously scan online conversations and alert you whenever your brand is mentioned. This helps you swiftly address any negative feedback or potential controversies before they gain traction and cause more serious damage.

Let’s talk about how to choose the right reputation monitoring software for you and then go over our top picks.

How to choose a reputation monitoring software for your business

Identify your requirements

Determine what aspects of your brand's online presence you need to monitor. Do you need to track social media, online reviews, news media, blogs, or all of these?

For example, if your business is highly active on social media, consider the best social media analytics tools and features like sentiment analysis​.

Evaluate technical capabilities

Check if the tool can integrate seamlessly with your existing tech stack (CRM, customer service software, etc.).

For industries where brand reputation can change rapidly, like hospitality or retail, real-time monitoring capabilities are crucial to address issues promptly before they escalate​.

Assess usability and support

The tool should have an intuitive interface that your team can use efficiently without extensive training.

Ensure that the vendor offers comprehensive support and training resources, too.

Consider compliance and data security

You should ensure that the software has certifications like SOC 2, which focuses on security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of customer data.

These certifications demonstrate adherence to high standards of data security and can significantly contribute to maintaining your customers' trust and avoiding legal complications.

Look for scalability

As your business grows, your reputation management needs will evolve.

Choose a software that can scale with your business, accommodating more data, additional social platforms, and increased user access without compromising performance.

Best reputation monitoring software for your business 

1. ReviewsOnMyWebsite

ReviewsOnMyWebsite review feed

ReviewsOnMyWebsite is an online reputation monitoring software designed to help businesses manage customer reviews. It supports 27 popular review platforms, including Google, Facebook, and Yelp.


  • Monitor and reply to all customer reviews from one place.
  • Request reviews from customers using automated email and SMS campaigns.
  • Display your best customer reviews on your website using the review widget feature.
  • Get automated email notifications every time your business gets a new review.
  • Share top reviews on social media using the social sharing feature.

2. Statusbrew

Statusbrew website screenshot

Nobody likes a tool that makes you go to and from one tab to another constantly. Well, Statusbrew gets it and provides a comprehensive dashboard to maintain your business’s reputation from A to Z.

The platform’s features are designed to streamline your everyday work processes, offering real-time monitoring, comprehensive review management, and strategic crisis management to ensure that businesses can proactively manage their online footprint.


  • Allows businesses to effectively manage and respond to customer reviews and ratings on social media platforms and Google from its Engage Inbox.
  • Offers real-time monitoring capabilities, enabling brands to track their reputation as it evolves.
  • It helps businesses efficiently manage large volumes of online interactions with AI-driven tools like sentiment analysis, automatic review routing, and spam filtering.

3. Trustpilot

Trustpilot website screenshot

Trustpilot, being an open review platform, allows any customer to leave feedback, which portrays an unbiased and broad spectrum of customer opinions—helping to build trust with potential customers. 


  • Automates the process of sending review invitations to customers after a purchase, ensuring a continuous flow of feedback without additional effort from businesses​.
  • Helps to address negative feedback professionally, showing potential customers their commitment to resolving issues.
  • Provides a comprehensive dashboard that aggregates review data, offering insights into customer satisfaction and identifying areas for improvement​.

4. Mention

Mention website screenshot

When you are a popular brand, keeping tabs on multiple web and social media platforms can be hard. That’s where a tool like Mention can help.

The platform is designed to support a range of use cases, from PR management to market research, making it a versatile tool for businesses aiming to maintain a strong online presence.


  • Provides early detection of potential crises through its monitoring tools and helps brands manage and mitigate negative publicity effectively.
  • Allows you to set up customizable alerts for different types of mentions ensuring that you are immediately informed of critical brand mentions whether they are positive or negative.
  • Tracks competitor activities and market trends to help your brand stay ahead.

5. Brandwatch

Brandwatch website screenshot

With a small team, it might be difficult to stay on top of industry trends all the time. However, a tool like Brandwatch can help with that, keeping track of everything—from brand mentions to sentiment analysis.

You can quantify your leads with features like social media management, influencer marketing, and consumer intelligence. With the capabilities of AI analysis, the tool can also track over 100 million sources and uncover the latest trends and insights for your brand.


  • Monitors social media platforms by indexing data from the web into a searchable database. 
  • Allows users to conduct detailed searches using keywords over a period of time, filtering results by sentiment and demographics.
  • Scours over 100 million online sources, including social media, forums, blogs, and news sites to ensure extensive data coverage on public sentiment and brand perception.

6. Birdeye

Birdeye website screenshot

You need a stringent process to solicit and gather customer interactions across multiple channels. That’s where a tool like Birdeye comes in handy with features like real-time review notifications, sentiment analysis, and the ability to respond quickly to customer inquiries and reviews. 


  • Offers tools for monitoring social media mentions and helps engage and track customers' social media presence, manage posts, and interact with them in real-time from one unified interface.
  • Provides a centralized dashboard that allows for the management of reviews, social media, mentions, and customer feedback across all locations, which is beneficial for businesses operating from multiple locations.
  • Includes a unified messaging inbox that consolidates all customer communications, making it easier to manage and respond to messages across various channels.

7. Meltwater

Meltwater website screenshot

Imagine constantly trying new strategies to manage your brand’s reputation without knowing what’s working and what’s not. Obviously, it wouldn’t result in success.

You need a tool like Meltwater, designed to provide organizations like yours with advanced capabilities to monitor, analyze, and respond to brand mentions across multiple media platforms.

With features like crisis management tools, media monitoring, advanced analytics, and more, your brand can stay on top of actively managing its online reputation.


  • Provides tools for media monitoring and analysis, and helps businesses track their media coverage and PR in real-time.
  • Offers comprehensive social listening capabilities to monitor social media for mentions of the brand, relevant topics, and competitors and adjusts the strategy accordingly.
  • Monitor competitors' actions and media presence, crucial for staying informed about industry trends and preparing responsive strategies​.

8. Reputation

Reputation website screenshot

Reputation is designed specifically for organizations that function from multiple locations.

It provides a comprehensive set of features aimed at monitoring and enhancing various aspects of a company's online presence, including reviews, site traffic, online ratings, customer service, and more.


  • Offers a ticketing system that streamlines customer service processes with customizable automation, alerts, workflows, and goals within a centralized system.
  • Provides a centralized platform for tracking and responding to all customer interactions and in real-time. 
  • Identifies and categorizes the emotional tone behind customer feedback, helping businesses understand customer sentiment better.

9. Podium

Podium website screenshot

By using AI technology, Podium simplifies and automates the process of gathering and responding to customer reviews, enabling businesses to significantly increase their volume of reviews in a short period. 


  • Helps businesses rapidly increase the number of reviews they receive through review invites and automations. 
  • Automates sending review invites and reminders, ensuring businesses can maximize their opportunities to gather better feedback.
  • Offers advanced reporting tools that allow businesses to track the source of their reviews and monitor their reputation over time. 

10. Yext

Yext website screenshot

Brand integrity is the foundation of customer trust, and the best way to maintain it is by compounding on positive customer reviews. But getting the review from a customer is only half the battle—the other half is to monitor those reviews, engage with them, and analyze the sources.

That’s a lot to get done manually—and Yext helps you with all these and more. You can also manage the public perception of your brand by using direct integrations with a vast network of review sites, pulling all reviews into a centralized dashboard. 


  • Allows businesses to collect and monitor reviews from all over the internet in a single dashboard, making it easier to stay informed about what customers think about your brand.
  • Uses pre-built templates and dynamic text options for responding to reviews.
  • Filters and labels reviews based on ratings, content, language, and date to help businesses organize and prioritize feedback.

Stay on top of brand reputation with reputation monitoring software

Now that we’ve introduced you to all the popular reputation management tools that can help your business address and manage customer concerns effectively, it’s time for you to try them out. 

Take advantage of free trial offers to test out different tools and choose the one that fits your needs the best.

This is a guest post written by Baishaly Roy. Baishaly writes content for SaaS brands that work with social media. She creates helpful & engaging content that can catch the reader’s interests and help brand make a mark.